Books by Tim Wescott
Applied Control Theory for Embedded Systems,
Tim Wescott, Elsevier 2006, ISBN 0-7506-7839-9
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I wrote it because I kept getting asked "where can I get a book that covers all of this?", but couldn't find a good book to recommend.
In the book I present control theory and its application in a clear, straightforward manner. This book is primarily aimed at the working software engineer who must make an embedded controller work, however anyone who is required to understand the theoretical and practical aspects of sampled-time control will benefit from studying it.
Recommended Books
These are not books that have been exhaustively searched out. Rather, they are books that I happen to have on my shelf, and that I find useful. Some of these titles are older, but all of them are still useful if you can find copies.
Adaptive Control, Karl J. Åström and Björn Wittenmark, Addison- Wesley 1995,
second edition, ISBN 0-201-55866-1.
This is the book on the subject. It's an advanced book, but it is written in as clear a manner as you could hope for. I taught myself adaptive control theory out of this book with little trouble.
It has a good section on least-squares (ARMA) methods for system identification in Chapter 2, while chapters 8 through 10 have some good information on not-quite-adaptive systems that are generally easier to apply in practice.
Engineering and Scientific Computing with Scilab, Claude Gomez,
editor, Birkhäuser, 1999. ISBN 0-8176-4009-6.
The closest thing there is to a comprehensive users manual for Scilab, it covers Scilab functionality as well as techniques for solving engineering and scientific problems in a computational environment.
Understanding Digital Signal Processing, 3rd edition, Rick Lyons, Prentice Hall, 2004.
ISBN 0-13-108989-7.
Just what it says it is. Understanding Digital Signal Processing is written for the nearly the same audience that this book is, except that it covers signal processing where this one covers control systems. Where this book stops short on a DSP subject Understanding Digital Signal Processing should be of help.
Optimal State Estimation: Kalman, H Infinity, and Nonlinear Approaches Dan Simon, Wiley, 2008, ISBN 978-0471708582.
This is a very clearly written treatment on Kalman filtering and related optimal state estimation methods. You can practically write a Kalman filter by propping this book up next to your keyboard and paying attention as you write.
Strapdown Inertial Navigation Technology D.H. Titterton, J.L. Weston, IEEE, 2004, ISBN 978-0471708582.
To me, this is a companion book to Dan Simon's book on the Kalman filter, because I used them together to design a sensor fusion project for a customer. Like Dan Simon's book, this is a very clearly written book.